BLACK, WHITE & MORE Fashion Show @ The Pharmacy Gallery & Art Space

On September 24, 2022 at 7Pm, Shawnee Studios Models were part of the Pharmacy Art Gallerys' Fourth Art Fashion Show. The show lead by one of our best: LuElla..she has been with us for four years and never disappoints. Please enjoy the images taken by Sean Donham, a long time creative with our agency. Also we cannot fail to mention the artsy creations from Blake Detherage. He worked countless hours on his wonderful pieces . We are so very proud of LuElla, Seandawg (our pet name for him) and Blake. Please keep watch we will have more photos soon of other models from Shawnee Studios features at the show.

Please note: LuElla gave homage to Madonna's Vouge at the end of her walk .

Love the talent of this business, always amazed how they work together to create wonder!! Thank you so much Pharmacy Art Gallery. It was a pleasure!